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Python – 级别:询问

Python – 级别:询问

1 级任务

1) 华氏度到摄氏度转换

f=int(input("enter the no. "))  c=5/9*(f-32)  print("fahrenheit to celsius",round(c)) 


enter the no. 108 fahrenheit to celsius 42  

2) 摄氏度到华氏度转换

c=int(input("enter the no. ")) f=c*(9/5)+32  print("celsius to fahrenheit",round(f)) 


enter the no. 42 celsius to fahrenheit 108  

3) 英尺到米的转换

#1 feet = 0.3048 meters  feet=float(input("enter the no. "))  meter=feet*0.3048  print("feet to meters",round(meter,1)) 


enter the no. 15 feet to meters 4.6  

4) 正方形的输入侧、输出区域

side=float(input("enter the no. "))  area=side**2  print("area of a square is ",area) 


enter the no. 5 area of a square is  25.0  

5) 输入-长、宽;输出-矩形面积

#area of a rectangle=length*breadth  length=float(input("enter length of the rectangle. ")) breadth=float(input("enter breadth of the rectangle. "))  area=length*breadth  print("area of a rectangle is ",area) 


enter length of the rectangle. 5 enter breadth of the rectangle. 10 area of a rectangle is  50.0  

6) 半径 – 圆的面积

#area of circle = πr2  r=int(input("enter the radius of circle: "))  area=3.14*(r**2)  print("area of the circle is ",area) 


enter the radius of circle: 5 area of the circle is  78.5  

7) 美元 转换为 inr

#usd=rs. 84.56  dollar=float(input("enter currency in dollars: ")) usd=dollar*84.56  print("currency in rupees is =",usd) 


Enter currency in dollars: 500 Currency in rupees is = 42280.0  
