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Logging System with Proxy and Fetch

Logging System with Proxy and Fetch

  1. 代理对象:fetchlogger 包装了 fetch 函数。
    它使用 apply trap 来拦截对 fetch 的调用。

  2. 请求日志记录:记录请求的 url 和选项。
    响应处理:记录响应状态、状态文本和 url。

  3. 错误处理:捕获并记录提取过程中遇到的任何错误。

  4. 使用代理:您可以通过将代理分配给window.fetch来全局替换fetch。

// create a Logging wrapper for fetch using proxy const fetchlogger = new proxy(fetch, {     apply: (target, thisarg, args) => {         // log the request details         const [url, options] = args;         console.log("fetch request:");         console.log("url:", url);         console.log("options:", options);          // call the original fetch function         return reflect.apply(target, thisarg, args)             .then(response => {                 // log response details                 console.log("fetch response:");                 console.log("status:", response.status);                 console.log("status text:", response.statustext);                 console.log("url:", response.url);                  // return the response for further use                 return response.clone(); // clone to allow response reuse             })             .catch(error => {                 // log errors                 console.error("fetch error:", error);                 throw error; // rethrow the error for caller handling             });     } });  // example usage of the logging fetch fetchlogger("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts", {     method: "get",     headers: {         "content-type": "application/json"     } })     .then(response => response.json())     .then(data => console.log("data:", data))     .catch(error => console.error("error in fetch:", error)); 


window.fetch = fetchLogger; 
