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python 中的货币转换器

python 中的货币转换器

大家好,今天我将向您展示如何使用 pythonflask 创建一个简单的货币转换器并将其显示在网络上。

首先我们需要确保 flask 已正确安装,为此,在 windows 中打开 powershell 或 cmd,并确保以管理员身份运行,右键单击它,然后以管理员身份运行,flask 很容易通过键入以下内容安装命令:

pip 安装烧瓶




成功安装flask后,创建一个名为currency_converter的文件夹,并在该文件夹内创建一个名为app.py的txt文件,并确保将扩展名从.txt更改为.py,然后在currency_converter文件夹内创建另一个名为(templates)的文件夹并制作确保此文件夹的名称与 templates 完全相同,否则 flask 将无法运行,然后在 templates 文件夹中创建一个名为 index.html 的文件,您可以创建一个 txt 文件,然后将其重命名为 index.html 并确保扩展名是.html


from flask import flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for import requests  app = flask(__name__)  api_url = "https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4/latest/{}"  @app.route("/", methods=["get", "post"]) def index():     if request.method == "post":         from_currency = request.form["from_currency"].upper()         to_currency = request.form["to_currency"].upper()         amount = float(request.form["amount"])          # fetch exchange rate data         response = requests.get(api_url.format(from_currency))         if response.status_code == 200:             data = response.json()             rates = data.get("rates", {})             if to_currency in rates:                 conversion_rate = rates[to_currency]                 converted_amount = amount * conversion_rate                 return render_template(                     "index.html",                     converted_amount=converted_amount,                     from_currency=from_currency,                     to_currency=to_currency,                     amount=amount,                 )             else:                 error = f"currency '{to_currency}' not found."                 return render_template("index.html", error=error)         else:             error = f"error fetching data for '{from_currency}'."             return render_template("index.html", error=error)      return render_template("index.html")  if __name__ == "__main__":     app.run(debug=true)  

这是带有 css 的 html 文件的代码:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>     <meta charset="UTF-8">     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">     <title>Currency Converter</title>     <style>         /* General body styling */         body {             font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;             margin: 0;             padding: 0;             background: linear-gradient(135deg, #6dd5fa, #2980b9);             color: white;             display: flex;             justify-content: center;             align-items: center;             height: 100vh;         }          /* Centering the container */         .container {             background: #ffffff10; /* Semi-transparent white */             border-radius: 10px;             padding: 20px 30px;             max-width: 400px;             width: 100%;             box-shadow: 0 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);             text-align: center;         }          /* Header styling */         h1 {             font-size: 28px;             margin-bottom: 20px;             color: #fff;             text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);         }          /* Input and button styling */         input, button {             display: block;             width: 100%;             margin: 10px 0;             padding: 12px;             font-size: 16px;             border: none;             border-radius: 5px;         }          input {             background: #ffffff80; /* Semi-transparent white */             color: #333;         }          button {             background: #2980b9;             color: #fff;             font-weight: bold;             cursor: pointer;             transition: background 0.3s ease;         }          button:hover {             background: #1e5786;         }          /* Result message styling */         .result {             background: red;             padding: 10px;             border-radius: 5px;             margin-top: 20px;             text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);         }          .result p {             margin: 0;             font-size: 18px;         }          /* Error message styling */         .error {             color: #ff4d4d;             margin: 10px 0;             font-weight: bold;         }          /* Responsive design */         @media (max-width: 480px) {             .container {                 padding: 15px 20px;             }              h1 {                 font-size: 22px;             }              input, button {                 font-size: 14px;             }         }     </style> </head> <body>     <div class="container">         <h1>Currency Converter</h1>         {% if error %}             <p class="error">{{ error }}</p>         {% endif %}         {% if converted_amount %}             <div class="result">                 <p>{{ amount }} {{ from_currency }} = {{ converted_amount | round(2) }} {{ to_currency }}</p>             </div>         {% endif %}         <form method="POST" action="/">             <input type="text" name="from_currency" placeholder="From currency (e.g., USD)" required>             <input type="text" name="to_currency" placeholder="To currency (e.g., EUR)" required>             <input type="number" step="0.01" name="amount" placeholder="Amount" required>             <button type="submit">Convert</button>         </form>     </div> </body> </html>  

然后打开 powershell 或 cmd 并导航到您的currency_converter 文件夹位置并输入:

这将在您的计算机上创建一个网络服务器,其 ip 和端口号如下:




