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Python 日循环练习、数字游戏和任务

Python 日循环练习、数字游戏和任务

1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1

no = 1 top = 5 direction = 1 while no>0:     print(no,end= ' ')     if no == top:         print(no,end=' ')         direction = -1     no = no + direction 


1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 


2) 猜数字游戏:

import random  system_no = random.randint(1,20)  while true:     guess = int(input("enter the no. "))     if guess == system_no:         print("hurray!  i got the number!! ")         break     elif guess > system_no:         print("your guess is too high! ")     else:         print("your guess is too low! ") 


enter the no. 5 your guess is too low!  enter the no. 7 your guess is too low!  enter the no. 10 your guess is too low!  enter the no. 12 hurray!  i got the number!!  

3) 数字中最大的数字:

no = int(input("enter no. ")) max_no = 0 while no>0:     rem = no%10     if rem>max_no:         max_no = rem     no//=10  print(max_no) 


enter no. 452 5  

所以在 452 中,5 是数字中最大的数字。


1) 查找数字中最小的数字:

no = int(input("enter no. ")) min_no = 9 while no>0:     rem = no%10     if rem<min_no:         min_no=rem     no//=10  print(min_no) 


enter no. 452 2  

2) 判断所有数字是否相等

no=input("enter the no. ")  num=1  while num <len(no):     if no[num]==no[0]:            print("all digits are equal")         break     num+=1  else :     print("not equal") 


1)Enter the no. 4444   All digits are equal 2)Enter the no. 46562 Not equal  
