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如何使用 @shopify/restyle 在 React Native 中构建类型强制的 UI 组件

huizai2013 2024-11-28 39

自从我在博客上写一篇技术文章以来已经有一段时间了,这是一篇关于使用 @shopify/restyle 和 expo 在 react native 中构建类型强制 ui 组件的新文章。

@shopify/restyle 是一个强大的 react native 样式库,可为您的 ui 组件带来类型安全性和一致性。与传统的样式方法不同,restyle 允许您创建集中式主题配置,在整个应用程序中强制执行设计系统原则。



  • 使用 expo 设置您的 react native 项目
npx create-expo-app@latest 
  • 转到您的项目目录并使用 expo 安装 @shopify/restyle 包
cd /path/to/project npx expo install @shopify/restyle 


创建 theme.tsx 文件来定义您的设计系统:

touch theme.tsx 
  • 复制并粘贴默认主题配置
import {createtheme} from '@shopify/restyle';  const palette = {   purplelight: '#8c6ff7',   purpleprimary: '#5a31f4',   purpledark: '#3f22ab',    greenlight: '#56dcba',   greenprimary: '#0ecd9d',   greendark: '#0a906e',    black: '#0b0b0b',   white: '#f0f2f3', };  const theme = createtheme({   colors: {     mainbackground: palette.white,     cardprimarybackground: palette.purpleprimary,   },   spacing: {     s: 8,     m: 16,     l: 24,     xl: 40,   },   textvariants: {     header: {       fontweight: 'bold',       fontsize: 34,     },     body: {       fontsize: 16,       lineheight: 24,     },     defaults: {       // we can define a default text variant here.     },   }, });  export type theme = typeof theme; export default theme; 


更新您的 app/_layout.tsx:

import { darktheme, defaulttheme } from "@react-navigation/native"; import { usefonts } from "expo-font"; import { stack } from "expo-router"; import * as splashscreen from "expo-splash-screen"; import { statusbar } from "expo-status-bar"; import { useeffect } from "react"; import "react-native-reanimated";  import { themeprovider } from "@shopify/restyle"; import theme from "@/theme";  // prevent the splash screen from auto-hiding before asset loading is complete. splashscreen.preventautohideasync();  export default function rootlayout() {   const [loaded] = usefonts({     spacemono: require("../assets/fonts/spacemono-regular.ttf"),   });    useeffect(() => {     if (loaded) {       splashscreen.hideasync();     }   }, [loaded]);    if (!loaded) {     return null;   }    return (     <themeprovider theme={theme}>       <stack>         <stack.screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headershown: false }} />         <stack.screen name="+not-found" />       </stack>       <statusbar style="auto" />     </themeprovider>   ); }  



touch components/text.tsx 
// in components/text.tsx  import {createtext} from '@shopify/restyle'; import {theme} from '../theme';  export const text = createtext<theme>();  


import { text } from "@/components/text"; import { safeareaview } from "react-native-safe-area-context";  export default function homescreen() {   return (     <safeareaview>       <text margin="m" variant="header">         this is the home screen. built using @shopify/restyle.       </text>     </safeareaview>   ); }  

正如您在上面的代码中看到的,我们将边距作为“m”而不是数字传递。我们从 theme.tsxfile 中获取值。

// ./theme.tsx  const theme = createtheme({   spacing: {     s: 8,     m: 16, // margin="m"     l: 24,     xl: 40,   },   textvariants: {     header: { // our text header variant       fontweight: 'bold',       fontsize: 34,     },     body: {       fontsize: 16,       lineheight: 24,     },   },     // ...rest of code   }, }); 


如何使用 @shopify/restyle 在 React Native 中构建类型强制的 UI 组件



touch components/skeletonloader.tsx 
// components/skeletonloader.tsx  import {   backgroundcolorprops,   createbox,   createrestylecomponent,   createvariant,   spacing,   spacingprops,   variantprops, } from "@shopify/restyle"; import { theme } from "@/theme"; import { view } from "react-native";  const box = createbox<theme>();  type props = spacingprops<theme> &   variantprops<theme, "cardvariants"> &   backgroundcolorprops<theme> &   react.componentprops<typeof view>;  const cardskeleton = createrestylecomponent<props, theme>([   spacing,   createvariant({ themekey: "cardvariants" }), ]);  const skeletonloader = () => {   return (     <cardskeleton variant="elevated">       <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={20}         marginbottom="s"         width="70%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       >       </box>        <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={100}         marginbottom="s"         width="90%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       >       </box>       <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={50}         marginbottom="s"         width="70%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       >       </box>     </cardskeleton>   ); };  export default skeletonloader;  
  • 我们从 @shopify/restyle 包中创建一个新框作为预定义组件,这将是我们创建骨架框的方式
const box = createbox<theme>(); 
  • 使用createstylecomponent创建一个新的cardskeleton组件来创建自定义组件,我们传递了必须在theme.tsx文件中定义的间距和cardvariants的道具
type props = spacingprops<theme> &   variantprops<theme, "cardvariants"> &   backgroundcolorprops<theme> &   react.componentprops<typeof view>;  const cardskeleton = createrestylecomponent<props, theme>([   spacing,   createvariant({ themekey: "cardvariants" }), ]); 
  • 创建一个 skeletonloader 组件来渲染我们的 skelton card 组件
// components/skeletonloader.tsx  export const skeletonloader = () => {   return (     <cardskeleton variant="elevated">       <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={20}         marginbottom="s"         width="70%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       ></box>        <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={100}         marginbottom="s"         width="90%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       ></box>       <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={50}         marginbottom="s"         width="70%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       ></box>     </cardskeleton>   ); };  

我们还剩下一件事要使其正常工作,更新 theme.tsx 文件以拥有 cardvariants

 const theme = createtheme({   colors: {     // add black color to use it later on     black: palette.black,   },   // add border radius variants   borderradii: {     s: 4,     m: 10,     l: 25,     xl: 75,   },   // add card variants   cardvariants: {     elevated: {       shadowcolor: "black",       shadowoffset: { width: 0, height: 2 },       shadowopacity: 0.1,       shadowradius: 4,       elevation: 3,       borderradius: "m",     },     defaults: {       padding: "m",       borderradius: "m",     },   }, });  


// components/skeletonloader.tsx  const shimmeranimation = () => {   const shimmertranslate = useref(new animated.value(0)).current;    useeffect(() => {     animated.loop(       animated.timing(shimmertranslate, {         tovalue: 1,         duration: 1500,         usenativedriver: true,       })     ).start();   }, [shimmertranslate]);    const translatex = shimmertranslate.interpolate({     inputrange: [0, 1],     outputrange: [-300, 300],   });    return (     <animated.view       style={{         position: "absolute",         top: 0,         left: 0,         bottom: 0,         width: 100,         backgroundcolor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)",         transform: [{ translatex }],       }}     />   ); }; 


// components/skeletonloader.tsx  export const skeletonloader = () => {   return (     <cardskeleton variant="elevated">       <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={20}         marginbottom="s"         width="70%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       >         <shimmeranimation />       </box>        <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={100}         marginbottom="s"         width="90%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       >         <shimmeranimation />       </box>       <box         backgroundcolor="cardprimarybackground"         height={50}         marginbottom="s"         width="70%"         overflow="hidden"         borderradius={"m"}       >         <shimmeranimation />       </box>     </cardskeleton>   ); };  


// components/skeletonloader.tsx  import { useeffect, useref } from "react"; import { animated } from "react-native"; import {   backgroundcolorprops,   createbox,   createrestylecomponent,   createvariant,   spacing,   spacingprops,   variantprops, } from "@shopify/restyle"; import { theme } from "@/theme"; import { view } from "react-native";  const box = createbox<theme>();  const shimmeranimation = () => {   const shimmertranslate = useref(new animated.value(0)).current;    useeffect(() => {     animated.loop(       animated.timing(shimmertranslate, {         tovalue: 1,         duration: 1500,         usenativedriver: true,       })     ).start();   }, [shimmertranslate]);    const translatex = shimmertranslate.interpolate({     inputrange: [0, 1],     outputrange: [-300, 300],   });    return (        ); };  type props = spacingprops<theme> &   variantprops<theme, "cardvariants"> &   backgroundcolorprops<theme> &   react.componentprops<typeof view>;  const cardskeleton = createrestylecomponent<props, theme>([   spacing,   createvariant({ themekey: "cardvariants" }), ]);  export const skeletonloader = () => {   return (                                                                                   ); };  

瞧,我们使用 @shopify/restyle 使用


如何使用 @shopify/restyle 在 React Native 中构建类型强制的 UI 组件


让我们从在 theme.tsx 文件中添加深色主题配置开始

// theme.tsx  export const darktheme: theme = {   ...theme,   colors: {     ...theme.colors,     mainbackground: palette.white,     cardprimarybackground: palette.purpledark,     greenprimary: palette.purplelight,   },   textvariants: {     ...theme.textvariants,     defaults: {       ...theme.textvariants.header,       color: palette.purpledark,     },   }, 

通过将深色主题配置添加到我们的layout.tsx 文件中来将其添加到我们的应用布局中

 // app/_layout.tsx  import { usefonts } from "expo-font"; import { stack } from "expo-router"; import * as splashscreen from "expo-splash-screen"; import { statusbar } from "expo-status-bar"; import { useeffect } from "react"; import "react-native-reanimated";  import { themeprovider } from "@shopify/restyle"; import theme, { darktheme } from "@/theme"; import { usecolorscheme } from "react-native";  // prevent the splash screen from auto-hiding before asset loading is complete. splashscreen.preventautohideasync();  export default function rootlayout() {   const [loaded] = usefonts({     spacemono: require("../assets/fonts/spacemono-regular.ttf"),   });    const colorschema = usecolorscheme();    useeffect(() => {     if (loaded) {       splashscreen.hideasync();     }   }, [loaded]);    if (!loaded) {     return null;   }    return (     <themeprovider theme={colorschema === "dark" ? darktheme : theme}>       <stack>         <stack.screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headershown: false }} />         <stack.screen name="+not-found" />       </stack>       <statusbar style="auto" />     </themeprovider>   ); }  
  • 使用react-native中的usecolorscheme钩子获取颜色模式
  // app/_layout.tsx   import { usecolorscheme } from "react-native";    //... rest of the code    const colorschema = usecolorscheme();  
  • 基于颜色模式,使用默认的浅色主题或在深色模式下使用 theme.tsx 文件中定义的 darktheme 配置
 // app/_layout.tsx   import theme, { darkTheme } from "@/theme";   //... rest of the code      <ThemeProvider theme={colorSchema === "dark" ? darkTheme : theme}>       <Stack>         <Stack.Screen name="(tabs)" options={{ headerShown: false }} />         <Stack.Screen name="+not-found" />       </Stack>       <StatusBar style="auto" />     </ThemeProvider> 


如何使用 @shopify/restyle 在 React Native 中构建类型强制的 UI 组件

如何使用 @shopify/restyle 在 React Native 中构建类型强制的 UI 组件

瞧,我们成功地使用 @shopify/restyle 包创建了类型强制的 ui 组件

